Statistical Learning Theory

09810CS 565300 -- Autumn 2009

Tuesday 13:10-15:00 & Thursday 13:10-14:00
234 CS Building

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*[2009/11/3] Lecture notes for week 8: SLT09_Week08.pdf.
I was asked about the relation between positive definite Hessian matrices and convex functions. Here is an informal proof.

*[2009/10/29] Lecture notes for week 7: SLT09_Week07.pdf.

*[2009/10/27] Assignment 3 is out: The name of the pdf file should be ps3_YourStudentID, e.g., "ps3_9762578.pdf". This assignment is due Monday, November 2, at 11:59pm.

[2009/10/22] Lecture notes for week 6: SLT09_Week06.pdf.

[2009/10/20] Lecture notes and Matlab code for week 5:

[2009/10/13] Assignment 2 is out: (PDF) or (TeX). The name of the pdf file should be ps2_YourStudentID, e.g., "ps2_9762578.pdf". This assignment is due Monday, October 19, at 11:59pm.

[2009/10/12] Lecture notes and Matlab code for week 4:

[2009/9/24] Classes of week 3 are cancelled.
[2009/9/24] Lecture notes and Matlab code for week 2:
[2009/9/22] Assignment 1 is out: (PDF) or (TeX). The name of the pdf file should be ps1_YourStudentID, e.g., "ps1_9762578.pdf". This assignment is due Wednesday, October 7, at 11:59pm.

[2009/9/17] Lecture notes and Matlab code for this week: You need to install Netlab to run the demo programs.