Statistical Learning Theory

09810CS 565300 -- Autumn 2009

Tuesday 13:10-15:00 & Thursday 13:10-14:00
234 CS Building

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About the Term Projects

Each group consists of 1-3 members. You may apply machine learning to to your research problems (supposedly involving large data sets), or study and implement one of the following papers.


Unsupervised Detection of Regions of Interest Using Iterative Link Analysis
G. Kim, A. Torralba [pdf]

The "tree-dependent components" of natural scenes are edge filters
D. Zoran, Y. Weiss [pdf]

Structured output regression for detection with partial truncation
A. Vedaldi, A. Zisserman [pdf]

Speaker Comparison with Inner Product Discriminant Functions
W. Campbell, Z. Karam, D. Sturim [pdf]

Semi-Supervised Learning in Gigantic Image Collections
R. Fergus, Y. Weiss, A. Torralba [pdf]

Segmenting Scenes by Matching Image Composites
B. Russell, A. Efros, J. Sivic, B. Freeman, A. Zisserman [pdf]

Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrices via Convex Optimization
J. Wright, A. Balasubramanian, S. Rao, Y. Peng, Y. Ma [pdf]

Region-based Segmentation and Object Detection
S. Gould, T. Gao, D. Koller [pdf]

Rank-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search: Retaining Meaning and Speed in High Dimensions
P. Ram, D. Lee, H. Ouyang, A. Gray [pdf]

Positive Semidefinite Metric Learning with Boosting
C. Shen, J. Kim, L. Wang, A. van den Hengel [pdf]

A Bayesian Model for Simultaneous Image Clustering, Annotation and Object Segmentation
L. Du, L. Ren, D. Dunson, L. Carin [pdf]

A Biologically Plausible Model for Rapid Natural Scene Identification
S. Ghebreab, H. Steven, V. Lamme, A. Smeulders [pdf]

Perceptual Multistability as Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inference
S. Gershman, E. Vul, J. Tenenbaum [pdf] [slide]

On the Algorithmics and Applications of a Mixed-norm based Kernel Learning Formulation
S. Jagarlapudi, d. govindaraj, R. S, C. Bhattacharyya, A. Ben-Tal, K. Ramakrishnan [pdf]

On Learning Rotations
R. Arora [pdf] [slide]

Occlusive Components Analysis
J. Lucke, R. Turner, M. Sahani, M. Henniges [pdf] [slide]

Nonparametric Bayesian Texture Learning and Synthesis
L. Zhu, Y. Chen, B. Freeman, A. Torralba [pdf]

Modelling Relational Data using Bayesian Clustered Tensor Factorization
I. Sutskever, R. Salakhutdinov, J. Tenenbaum [pdf]

Learning to Hash with Binary Reconstructive Embeddings
B. Kulis, T. Darrell [pdf] [slide]


More topics can be found at
ICML 2009
NIPS 2009