Seminar in Information Systems and Applications

ISA 565100 -- Spring 2010

Wednesday 13:30-15:00
234 CS Building

Recent Messages

[2010-2-24] Seminar Overview

[2010-2-24] Presentation Schedule:
March 10
Group 2:
9865507, 9865508, 9865509, 9865529, 9865531, 9865532, 9865681
Group 1:
9521210, 9865502, 9865504, 9865505, 9865528, 9865506, 9865518

March 24
Group 3:
9865510, 9865511, 9865512, 9865513, 9865514, 9865530, 9865683
Group 4:
9865515, 9865516, 9865517, 9865519, 9865520, 9865521, 9865684
Group 5:
9865522, 9865523, 9865524, 9865525, 9865527, 9865533, 9865685
View Old Messages

Instructor: Hwann-Tzong Chen

740 CS Building
Office hours: by appointment, or just stop by
Teaching Assistant:
chiaweihsu0723 [at]


Date Speaker Title Materials
2/24 Instructor Overview -
3/3 Prof. Mark Liao
Institute of Information Science
Academia Sinica
廖弘源教授 中央研究院
The Multimedia Technologies Group of IIS, Academia Sinica and Its R&D Effort on Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program -
3/10 ISA Students: Group 2 and Group 1 Student Presentations -
3/17 Prof. Chung-Nan Lee
CSE, National Sun Yat-Sen University
李宗南教授 中山大學
Evolutionary of the multi-objective variable-length genetic algorithm and its applications Abstract
3/24 ISA Students: Groups 3, 4, and 5 Student Presentations -
3/31 Prof. Von-Wun Soo
人生如戲戲如人生--虛與實之間 -
4/7 Joint Seminar with CS Department (hosted by Prof. Yi-Shin Chen)
Note: the location is ZyXEL Hall (合勤演藝廳) 1:30pm-3pm
My Way (資工系友經驗分享座談 CS Alumni shrare their experience) -
4/14 Elizabeth BRET
Professional Psychotherapist
The Secret of Communication -
4/21 Prof. Chun-Fan Chang
Department of Animal Science
Chinese Culture University
張春梵教授 文化大學動物科學系
Lab Mice’s Non-stressed Living in Prototypical Enrichment Nursery House: Getting Automatic Surveillance Sensor Data with Vivimetric Identification for Mining Activity Social Ranking and Individual Physiological Indicators Abstract
4/28 Hui Lee, Director
e-Paper Business Development, Corporate R&D Center, Delta Electronics, Inc.
李忠蕙處長, 台達電子
Growth in Future E-book Business -
4/30 Special Event We are going to visit GARMIN on 4/30 -
5/5 Prof. Chun-Cheng Lin
Department of Computer Science
Taipei Municipal University of Education
林春成教授 台北市立教育大學
On Many-to-One Boundary Labeling -
5/12 李正宇教授
生醫科技與資訊科技漫談 -
5/19 HTC Visiting HTC on 5/19 -
5/26 林開榮教授 (系主任)
育達商業科技大學 資訊管理系
雲端運算之新資訊安全挑戰 -
6/2 Prof. Shih-Hao Hung
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taiwan University
Performance Analysis of Multicore Systems via Virtual Platforms Abstract
6/9 ISA Students International Students Activity -


Presentation 20%
Term paper 20%
Participation 60%